Advice & Grants
Economic appraisals take many forms, with cost plans, works prioritisation, and value engineering all helping clients model how the building, project or programme will perform.
Where there is a conservation deficit or a key investment to address, grants can be available. Schemes such as Townscape Heritage Initiative, Natural England’s Higher Level Stewardship Scheme and the National Lottery Grants for Heritage, have helped our clients access millions in aid, to help areas and buildings which had been defined as “at Risk’ come back into viability.
Helping local authorities and owners meet the challenge of statutory compliance requires know-how and patience. Enforcement Notices, Heritage at Risk strategies including Repairs Notices and Urgent Works Notices all require independent expert opinion. If the dispute is referred to court or public enquiry for resolution, expert witness reports help the parties agree on the facts, and work methodically through all the areas of difference.
All our advice tasks require sensitivity, independence and respect for the parties which builds confidence in the process even if the outcome is uncertain.

Your project
If you would like to discuss your project with us just fill out your email address and we will be in touch